Ilike redshift
Ilike redshift

ilike redshift

It uses math that works with electric fields of electromagnetic waves and oscillating electrons. It uses wave theory, not quantum mechanics or photons. So, I am still waiting for an explanation of how white light is slowed by electron absorption and re-emission in a regular piece of glass, without any observable quantum effects like dark bands or bright bands in the exiting spectrum.īill, I read through the Feynman lecture in you link. When absorption is active, we see dark lines in the spectrum of light exiting a material, and when stimulated emission of radiation (the ser in laser - light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is occurring, it is making a very specific, narrow frequency range of light. There are no steps in the effects for various wavelength, so quantum effects of the atoms do not seem relevant. This is not what happens when white light enters a solid piece of glass at room temperature, slows by an amount dependent on its wavelength as it passes through, and then resumes the speed it had at entry as it leaves.

ilike redshift

It sounds more akin to a laser than anything else. So, what Bill is talking about is a quantum entangled material that can stop a specific light frequency when it is carefully tuned to the energy of photons that are being introduced.

ilike redshift

Atomically speaking, "this is an amazingly long time," stopped light for one-thousandth of a second.

#Ilike redshift full#

When it is turned on again, the brake is released, the atoms transfer their energy back to the light, and it leaves the end of the cloud at full speed and intensity." The laser illuminating the cloud at right angles to the incoming beam acts like a parking brake, stopping the beam inside the cloud when it is shut off.

ilike redshift

Light energy raises the atoms to higher energy levels in ways that depend on the frequency and intensity of the light. light entering the atomic entanglement transfers its energy to the atoms. When that laser is switched on again, it abruptly frees the light from the trap and it goes on its way." This happens when a second laser beam directed at right angles to the cloud of atoms is cut off. "kept tweaking the atoms until they completely stopped laser light. The laser beams glow yellow-orange like sodium streetlights, and the cigar-shaped cloud of atoms is about eight-thousandths of an inch long and about a third as wide. "Using sodium atoms and two laser beams, they made a new kind of medium that entangles light and slows it down. They are not like your typical glass lens or gas cloud. By contrast, Rayleigh scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere is mainly in shorter visible wave lengths and scatters the light at high angles - making the sky look blue, instead of black, like the sky looks on the moon during the moon "day".Īs for the Bose Einstein condensates in Bill's link, those are extremely low temperature materials that are quantum coupled atoms with unusual properties. The light makes a straight passage through the medium. What Bill posted does not change the direction of the photons as they interact with each atom, so the light does not diffuse but is slowed until it exits the medium, at which point it is not dispersed. If you read the link I posted, you will see that is the case. Rayleigh scattering is not the same thing Bill is posting about.

Ilike redshift